Monday, February 9, 2009

Review for Voices of the Earth: The Path of Green Spirituality

My first review for Voices of the Earth - I'm thrilled. I've included an excerpt below. To see more new Nonfiction reviews or read the entire review (it's the last on the page), click on the link to Publisher's Weekly.

Nonfiction Reviews

-- Publishers Weekly, 2/9/2009

Voices of the Earth: The Path of Green Spirituality Clea Danaan. Llewellyn, $15.95 paper (240p) ISBN 978-0-7387-1465-3

"[T]he author's gentle optimism about human relationship to the Earth and earnest care for the planet in all its particularity is a welcome contribution to environmental advocacy. (Mar.)"


The Witches Room said...

Hello there! I stumbled upon your blog as organic gardening is something I am very interested in learning more about. I would love to follow your blog...have you considered adding the "follow this blog" feature? Good luck to you!

Clea Danaan said...

Thanks Mama! - I have added that feature in the upper right corner. Excellent idea.

Happy gardening!