Sunday, February 1, 2009

Garden Plans on Chilly Imbolc

It's a perfect Imbolc day - sunny but chilly, with warmer temperatures forecast. I've been feeling exactly what we're supposed to feel this time of the year, a pull between going outside and welcoming spring and a push to stay cuddled up inside. The holiday is named for Ewe's milk, as this is the time of year ewes start birthing. I've never seen a lamb born, but (this will sound silly, but if you know me personally you'll understand) I grew up watching All Creatures and I associate Imbolc with the image of being on a frigid windy hillside catching baby lambs. One would really need a cup of tea after that.

Anyway, I have big plans for my own little "farm" this year. I want to get chickens. It's been on the want list for some time, and I'm dedicated to making it happen this year. First step is to build a coop. I'm going in on a shipment of chics with a friend, and we should have our babies in March. Also by then my book will come out and I'll be (Goddess willing) entering my second trimester of pregnancy - in many ways I'll be ready to come outside and turn the garden, rather than huddling inside and feeling sleepy.

Not sure what I will plant this year, though I have expanded the garden. With grad school, a three-year-old, a growing fetus, and my writing, I'm letting the garden be a little more go-with-the-flow than in past years. Gardening keeps me sane and grounded, and I need it to be a process rather tha a big project.

What are your thoughts for the garden this spring?

For my friends Down Under, how is your Lammas harvest? Tell me what worked well this year.

Namaste to all!

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