Monday, December 22, 2008

Solstice, Yule, Christmas: Family Traditions and Spiritual Paths

In my house we celebrate Yule (the shortest day of the year), Solstice (the first day of winter) and Christmas. This year we have plans to visit my mom and brother for Christmas, so we gathered with my husband's family the weekend before. Much to my pagan heart's delight, this happened to be Yule. I baked a Buche de Noel, a traditional French desert honoring the log burnt through the longest night of the year that will light next year's hearth fire. It is also a symbol of fertility.

We purchased a small real tree this year to celebrate Solstice and give the fairies a place to stay during the long night. My daughter and I undecorated it today, and then redecorated it with bird seed treats and the popcorn chain as a Yule gift to the animals.

How are you celebrating your holidays? How do you honor the earth in your traditions?

A blessed holiday season to you!


Courtney Putnam said...

I love this tradition of leaving your tree (and treats) for the animals! And that squirrel found quite the abundance!

peace & joy,


Green Womyn said...

Yes, the idea of leaving the tree for the animals is great!