Thursday, July 17, 2008

Spiritual Writing Workshop still has space!

It's not too late to join me at the scrumptious MoonDance Botanicals in Denver for the Sacred Path of Writing workshop! It will be a nurturing day of communion with Spirit and like-minded writers, from beginners to professional. Let me be your witness on the path of writing for personal and creative growth.

This workshop is a way for me to share my passion with others, and it also helps me out by fulfilling my writing internship for my MFA in Creative Writing.

Join me August 3rd, 2008, 10-4. The cost is $65 - if that is a hardship please email me and we'll work something out.

For more, see here.

Or call MoonDance today to sign up! 601 Corona Street, Denver, CO 80218 • 303.263.7275

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